Saturday, February 25, 2006

Making Movies

Last night we had a youth event. We got the youth to come (14!!! That's huge for us!) and make movies. No prearranged plots or anything. I just set them aside in two separate groups and told them to come up with stories. Then after about half an hour I went around and started filming them. Then I downloaded it into the church computer and did some (sort of) quick editing, and away we went. I had a lot of fun, and they seemed to have a blast. I wasn't sure if they would enjoy something like this, but they seemed to. And the videos were quite amusing. That's one nice thing about Macs - very easy to do video editing and stuff. I still want to work on them some more.

Earlier today I went and watched cows with Darrian. He loves them. They're really not that exciting of animals, but somehow anything is more exciting when you have a 13 month old with you. "Cow" is also one of the words that Darrian is best at saying. It's kind of amusing.

Later, y'all.


Blogger Papa Scott said...

Our kids are very different. jason is very physical but has no interest in talking. just points or grunts. The only words he sort of says are up, dad and mom. They sound like UNHH, Da!, nmun.

On the other hand he is walking up and down stairs without help and climbs everything in site like he is spiderman or something.

10:48 PM, February 25, 2006

Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

i have to say, i agree with Darrian. Cows are fun to watch. and necessary. They're plotting something...

12:21 AM, February 26, 2006


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