Tuesday, December 15, 2009


So we went to Trevor and Sherry's house on Sunday night for a birthday party. After the party ended, I went out to play hockey with Trevor and some guys from his church. Now to understand this concept, realize that I grew up playing street hockey regularly, but never organized hockey. I also grew up skating sporadically at best. Then, two years ago, I played hockey (yes, on ice - on skates, on ice!) with this same group two times. And I enjoyed it. So I decided to go out again on Sunday, and I enjoyed it.

And now I'm paying for it.

You don't realize how high your bed is until you have to try to lift your leg with muscles/tendons that no longer seem to have the strength to lift your foot higher than normal step size. This could all be solved if I played hockey or any sport regularly, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards. So for now, I'll just go out a couple times a year, abuse my body, and listen to my wife laugh at me for a few days.

It feels good to have a plan.


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