Friday, June 05, 2009


Went out to Terra's parent's place yesterday and helped pour footings for their house. Brought the kids with us so that they could see the cement truck and pump truck. They had a blast, and were so exhausted by the end of the day! We had a few memorable experiences:

Cayden somehow climbed down into the hole and left a nice handprint in the cement. Attaboy!

Avery climbed into grandpa's Bobcat and turned it on, even moved it a bit. Then he panicked. By the time I figured out what was going on and got over there in a big hurry, he was quite terrified. For him, though, that might be the only way he learns not to play with it.

Darrian decided to walk through the leftover cement cleaned out of the truck. His sandals and socks were absolutely covered, and there's no running water out there. Which leads me to ask the question: Why was he wearing sandals and socks in a construction zone? (I didn't get him ready.) Should probably have had rubber boots on like Avery.

Either way, it was a fun afternoon, and good to see some progress on their house. And now I can hardly lift or use my right arm for some reason. I have a desk job, people, and there's a reason for that!


Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

It's a bit impressive that Avery actually turned on the bobcat. Good for him. Musta been a bit scary for you though.
Now go put some linament or ointment or spearmint on that arm!

6:12 PM, June 05, 2009

Blogger something witty said...

i laugh because it masks the tears!

10:31 PM, June 10, 2009


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