Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cake, earaches and coughing

Guess which of those three is my favorite. That's pretty much what our weekend consisted of (although I should note that Darrell came up for Cayden's birthday, and he's not really covered by any one of those topics.) Avery coughed till he threw up last night, then almost did it again. Darrian was screaming with an ear infection that now seems to be under control, and Cayden had his birthday, which was kind of neat, but kind of weird (just because it's hard to believe he's one already). He got some more shots today, but our kids never seem to care about that.

Annual meeting coming up. We're voting on whether to buy a new building or not. We've never had stressful annual meetings here (shortest on record - usually about an hour), but I'm kind of nervous about this one. Building projects often seem to bring out some of the worst in people....


Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

I feel like I'm almost getting sick, but I think I'll be fine in the end. I've been taking aspirin before bed, just to be sure. Hope the meeting goes well. I think you guys should totally get the building, as long as God doesn't object.
My verification word is conin. CROM!

7:50 PM, February 10, 2009

Blogger something witty said...

my entire household had the barfing flu and no cake but it is interesting to me that Darrell had just left my house as well!

9:34 AM, February 11, 2009

Blogger Papa Scott said...

You are just jaded by your west side experiences...

...or maybe that is me!


7:17 PM, February 11, 2009


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