Tuesday, April 05, 2005

The Pope: Great Man or Misguided Priest?

Ooh. Loaded statement. And difficult to answer. There's no doubt that the Pope touched many lives. Off the top I have to say that I have the highest respect for the man. He reached out to countless people, and made a number of big (and important) steps for the Catholic Church. Biggest on the list is reconciling with the Jewish people and connecting on a peaceful level with the Muslims. And yet, at the same time as he promoted Christ and Christianity, he made a number of decisions that weren't so good. He focused a lot on the worship of Mary, as opposed to Christ. He took a conservative stand on many things (such as abortion) that was good, but then he turned around and continued to call for celibacy from priests and against birth control. I guess I struggle with the fact that he seemed very committed to Christ and the church on one hand, yet upheld some doctrines (or at least practices) that are at best highly suspect in their biblical support. Still, I don't doubt the man's faith - I just wish that he wasn't quite so caught up in Catholic traditions. But I guess we're all caught up in our own traditions.... Any thoughts?