Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Mint Chocolate Oreo

So last Friday, I'm sitting at the office doing nothing of importance, and decide to check my email. Lo and behold, I have received a new offer from the Dairy Queen Blizzard Fan Club, which I signed up for a long time ago. They send out offers and coupons periodically. Because we rarely end up in Camrose with money to spend on Dairy Queen, I usually ignore them. This time, for whatever reason, I opened it and saw that the special of the month was the Mint Chocolate Oreo Blizzard (St. Patrick's Day and all that), which looked vaguely appetizing. So, for virtually the first time ever, I decided to print off the coupon and take it home with me. I had no idea when I would use it, or if, but I figured, "Hey, why not?" I put it on the passenger seat of my car when I went home, and forgot about it as soon as I put it down. It didn't even remotely cross my mind, and, of course, I didn't mention it to Terra. It was entirely uninteresting.
The next morning we wake up, and as we're lying in bed contemplating whether we should let the kids out of their rooms or try to ignore them for a while, she suddenly looks at me and says, "I really want some Mint Chocolate Oreo ice cream." I looked at her blankly for a moment and finally said, "Well, you know, I just happen to have this coupon...." On our way back from Camrose with our Mint Chocolate Oreo blizzards, I asked her what she thought when I told her about the coupon, and she said she didn't believe me. I don't blame her!
So now that I've been totally weirded out by that, I'm trying to figure out why God would care about something as ridiculous as Mint Chocolate Oreo ice cream, because it sure seems like He had a hand in that.
I'm out!

P.S. Terra assures me that despite her strange and random craving (something she's never asked for before, by the way), she's not pregnant. And I believe her. At least, it was true as of a few weeks ago! We'll know soon....