Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A New Law

So, right at the beginning of December, I came down with a cold. Within a few day, it morphed into the stomach flu.

Yesterday I came down with a nasty cold - sneezing non-stop. Today, it appears that the stomach flu is back.

I'm proposing a new law that no one should be sick multiple times in one month. All in favour? At least this week I'm not leading worship.

I'm preaching.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


So we went to Trevor and Sherry's house on Sunday night for a birthday party. After the party ended, I went out to play hockey with Trevor and some guys from his church. Now to understand this concept, realize that I grew up playing street hockey regularly, but never organized hockey. I also grew up skating sporadically at best. Then, two years ago, I played hockey (yes, on ice - on skates, on ice!) with this same group two times. And I enjoyed it. So I decided to go out again on Sunday, and I enjoyed it.

And now I'm paying for it.

You don't realize how high your bed is until you have to try to lift your leg with muscles/tendons that no longer seem to have the strength to lift your foot higher than normal step size. This could all be solved if I played hockey or any sport regularly, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards. So for now, I'll just go out a couple times a year, abuse my body, and listen to my wife laugh at me for a few days.

It feels good to have a plan.

Sunday, December 06, 2009


I think for the first time since I became a pastor, I am missing church because of illness. I missed once when Cayden was born, and holidays don't count, of course. Would rather be at church, but it doesn't look very dignified if the worship leader has to take off from the stage for the bathroom in the middle of "You Are Holy" or something.

Bleah. Still, feeling better than yesterday...

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


I updated. Oooooohhhhh. And Terra's still pregnant.