Thursday, February 14, 2008

Jeff would be proud

Yeah, yeah, so I got the date wrong. Neither of our other kids showed any signs of coming early - how was I supposed to know? At least he's here and cute!

I noticed something. On a few occasions Terra has finished feeding Cayden and sits him up to burp him. She pats him a few times and then he lets this belch go that makes me envious! Our other boys had these "cute" little burps, but not Cayden! Nope, he tries to make the room rattle. It's kind of amusing.

So we're told earlier today that we could finally take Cayden home. I get some stuff ready, and take it out to the car. I come back to find Terra trying to change Cayden's diaper. Only thing is, he has no diaper on, there is poop everywhere, and Terra is laughing her head off while trying to shove a baby wipe up his butt to make it stop! I expected her to tell me to get a cork, but I think that she was laughing too much.

Gotta go.


Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

Baby poo, baby poo, all I talk about it baby poo.....

7:23 AM, February 15, 2008

Blogger something witty said...

any one else not think that is where chris was going with the "would make Jeff proud" comment?

3:07 PM, February 15, 2008

Blogger Papa Scott said...

It's that big?

3:19 PM, February 15, 2008

Blogger Monty P said...

Yeah, Jeff would be proud of that, too. ;)

3:42 PM, February 15, 2008


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